Do you want to watch and download movies from SolarMovie?
SolarMovie has the largest collection of movies and TV series.
But it is down unexpectedly and frequently, so we have been anxious to find sites like SolarMovie to avoid missing any hot movie.
To help you ease anxiety, I have sorted out different SolarMovie alternatives and will list more frequently-used sites to you.
After that, I will recommend the most efficient way to watch and download movies. You won’t miss any film after reading this post.
- Part 1. Top 4 Sites Like SolarMovie
- Part 2. Best Way to Watch and Download Movies
Part 1. Top 4 Sites Like SolarMovie
WatchFree is the first online video website I would like to recommend. It is one of the oldest and also famous websites like Solarmovie.

Many popular movies, HD movies and TV series are listed here publicly. If you fancy a certain kind of movie, you can also find it out according to Genres, including Action, Adventure, Comedy, Animation, Mystery, Biography and History, etc.
WatchFree is a good option for any of us to watch movies for free. Just click the movie thumbnail, you will see a green notification “Register a free account to watch movies in HD.” Ignore it and straightly click the Play button below to play the movie.

YesMovies is one of the most popular sites like SolarMovie. It provides a considerable number of movies to its massive users.

Like WatchFree, you can also use YesMovies to select and watch movies according to Genre and Country, etc. For example, if you want to watch movies of Japan, you can choose “Japan” in the section of “Country”; if you prefer science fiction films, you need to click “Sci-Fi.” Then you will see a lot of related movies displayed.
With YesMovies, you can fully enjoy movies and TV series in your spare time, but you are not allowed to get downloads directly on it.
XMovies8 is another excellent and free SolarMovie alternative I want to show you. It includes a lot of movies, TV series and TV episodes.

What attracts me most is that before watching a movie, you can see the skeletal plot for each movie. Just put your mouse on the thumbnail, and then the skeletal plot will show up in no minute. I like this because it enables me to judge in advance whether this movie is worth viewing or not.
However, if you want to stream any video, you will be directed to another site. This got me confused when I used it for the first time. I guess most of you may consider this troublesome.
M4UFree is good for anyone to watch new movies and TV series according to “Genre” and “Year.”
If you want to find a specific film, you can also search for it in the search bar. It is easy to do so.

Movies on M4UFree are free of charge, but after browsing through this site, you can’t see any download button for videos. So if you just want to find a site to enjoy movies, you can try to use M4UFree.
Apart from the downloading issue, another downside lies in its loading speed. This remains a regular problem, upsetting almost everyone.
Part 2. Best Way to Watch and Download Movies
I have given you the top 4 sites like SolarMovie above, but most of them are mainly used as movie streaming sites without or with limited downloading functions. So I prefer to use another method to effectively watch and download movies. It is AnyVid.
Have you ever heard of AnyVid? It is a powerful video downloading software, workable on Windows, Mac and Android.
Download any video from 1,000+ websites
- for Windows 10/8/7
- for Mac OS X 14+
- for Android

With AnyVid, you can watch and download any video from more than 1000 embedded sites, like YouTube, Facebook, Tumblr and SoundCloud, etc. You are accessible to any video with quality ranging from 360p to higher.
It is easy for you to watch movies on AnyVid. I guess the most trickiest part for you is its downloading process. But please take it easy. Next I will show you how to download movies with AnyVid in 2 steps.
- Open AnyVid on your device and paste the movie link you have copied from SolarMovie into the search bar of AnyVid. Click the “Search” icon.
- After the search result shows up, you can either click “MP4” to download this movie, or click “More” to see more quality and size options and then download it.
Compared with other SolarMovie alternatives, it is incredibly easy to watch and download movies from AnyVid. On top of that, it works well on Windows, Mac and Android.
Many people love SolarMovie due to its largest library of movies and TV series. But everything goes to zero if it is down.
To avoid missing any of your favorite movies, you need to find more stable and powerful sites like SolarMovie to get downloads.
If you are looking for one, it is worth trying AnyVid. It is safe, free and easy to use.
Download any video from 1,000+ websites
- for Windows 10/8/7
- for Mac OS X 14+
- for Android
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