With the purpose to download from Putlocker, millions of visitors are attracted to visit Putlocker. However, due to the dispute in the legality of certain videos, the domain address of Putlocker changes frequently. And, you have to search for the new sites once you want to download Putlocker movies.
So, download from Putlocker is not simple now.
Don’t worry! Let me help you.
You can use online tools such as AmoyShare Online Video Downloader to get the takes done.
Yet, I am going to present to you the best Putlocker downloader, making HD Putlocker video download more convenient.
You can use the Putlocker movie downloader mentioned below to stream and download videos from Putlocker for free.
Without any further ado, get right on it now!
Top Free Putlocker Downloader Software
The article is all about the best Putlocker downloader application and how to download from Putlocker. If you prefer to download from Putlocker, you have come to the right place. I will show you a free Putlocker downloader called AnyVid and a step-to-step guide on how to download movies from Putlocker using AnyVid.

AnyVid is on the top of my list as a Putlocker video downloader. It allows you to download videos from Putlocker in high quality, ranging from 360p to higher. You can even download multiple videos in batch, which no need to download one by one.
AnyVid works on Windows, Mac, and Android. Go ahead and try out the AnyVid app for free now!
Download any video from 1,000+ websites
- for Windows 10/8/7
- for Mac OS X 14+
- for Android
Next, the article will present the steps to download Putlocker movies by using desktop and mobile versions of AnyVid, respectively.
Download Putlocker Movies on Windows/Mac
As you know, Putlocker keeps on changing its domain due to copyright matters. Once you want to watch movies or films on Putlocker, you have to spend time to find its new website. Troublesome! Right?
However, with AnyVid – Putlocker movie downloader, watching or downloading movies becomes easy.
Now, install and launch AnyVid on your PC and download Putlocker movies with the following steps.
- Let’s say you want to watch a favorite movie called “Life of Pi.” Then, you can directly type in the “life of pi” on the search box and press to search.
- Now, you have got all the results for the movie. Find the movie you want to download and press the MP4 button.
So simple! You do not even need to visit the Putlocker website to get your wanted movies.
Download Putlocker Movies on Android
AnyVid also works on your mobile phone, which enables you to watch movies at any time and any place. The situation like “when you want to stream videos on Putlocker, you cannot find the website” will not occur.

The new version is out! Get your AnyVid today and move to a guide on downloading Putlocker videos on Android phones.
Download any video from 1,000+ websites
- for Windows 10/8/7
- for Mac OS X 14+
- for Android
It is quite easy to download from Putlocker with high-quality movies on your Android phone. Just type in any keyword (like movie name) related to the video you want on the search bar. Then, preview the search results and select the video. Finally, press the MP4 button, and the video will start to download.

Now, you get movies or films on your Android phone. Enjoy them!
Among a variety of applications of Putlocker downloader, AnyVid is on the top of my list.
If you want to find an app without malware and virus, no doubt, use AnyVid.
Without registration, videos can be downloaded to your devices.
Believe it will be on the top of your list.
Download any video from 1,000+ websites
- for Windows 10/8/7
- for Mac OS X 14+
- for Android
Leave your voice about Putlocker downloader on the comment box below!