M4A, WMA, AAC, FLAC, etc., are not a string of secret codes. They are siblings of MP3, a widespread audio format. Mac users often feel excluded from some formats due to compatibility problem.
Technical terms like “codec” are not comprehensible for you. Some technologies may push off the public for their complexity. But this kind of anxiety can be alleviated since there are many user-friendly applications for those new hands.
Prior to reading this article, you may think it’s tricky to convert audio files on Mac. I glean 8 best audio file converters for Mac. Some are Mac audio converters for relatively experienced users; some are online audio converters to save space for your Mac; some are desktop converters to deliver the premium services.
Please finish your reading. I’m sure you can find the best audio converter for Mac.
The Best Options of Audio Converters for Mac
MacOS, Windows, Android, iOS and many other devices pose a challenge for playing music across platforms, so demands arise for best audio converters. You may be one of the truth-seekers, who want to know the fastest route towards a right format for music. In response to your request, 5 top picks of audio converters for Mac, some of which are free, are presented below.
BeeConverter – The Best Audio Converter for Mac [Novices’ Favorite]
In the past, you thought converting file formats are what only techno-geeks can handle. And you never thought of getting this job to your own hand.
BeeConverter simplifies all the complicated procedures, reducing all kinds of settings to preset formats (MP3, WAV, OGG, M4R…). That means you needn’t teach yourself how to use the software. It fits in with Mac as well as Windows. You just want to convert audio files as quickly as possible. Then, choose this easy-to-start audio file converter to get a quick result. A song may take you at most 5 min to finish. That period of time allows BeeConverter to convert a playlist of music.
● 60x speed & in-bulk file conversion
● Video-to-Audio conversion supported
● Audio quality options
The Easy Audio Conversion Via BeeConverter
The step-by-step directions of BeeConverter are provided below. Even without much knowledge about formats, you can handily convert MP4 to MP3 audio or convert audio to MP3 and any audio format. Drop or drag any file and click on the interface a few times. This best audio converter for Mac spares you from most of the trouble
Video Converter
Convert videos to MP4, MOV, MP3, GIF, and more
- for Windows 10/8/7
- for Mac OS X 14+
- for Android
- Launch BeeConverter and go to Converter tool
- Add files to BeeConverter.
- Choose MP3 as the output format.
- Click “Convert” to start the audio file conversion.
Apple Music – Mac’s Free Audio Converter & Player

Converting audio file to MP3 is a functionality of Apple Music unnoticed by most of Mac users. Fusing audio file conversion with music playing is a credit to Apple’s designer. The best news is you can convert audio to MP3 free of charge on this built-in app.
Note: The output format of Apple Music is confined to only MP3. Other audio formats aren’t covered by its conversion service. If you want to convert audio to WAV, or any other audio format, you’d better have a more powerful alternative.
● Free for MP3 conversion
Handbrake – An Open-Source Audio Converter for Mac

HandBrake is a free & open-source file converter, which empowers you to add your creativity and individuality to your conversion process on Mac. It seems to be the best audio converter for those experienced users. If you are a beginner, you may feel a little hopeless. In order to let HandBrake work best for you, you may need a crash course about how to encode and decode file formats. Despite its technicality, it is versatile freeware equipped with many advanced settings.
● Video/audio conversion enabled
● Customized editing functions available
● Video/audio effects options
Switch – The Best Free Audio Converter for Mac

Switch is one of very few free audio converters that offer diversified services often charged by paid programs. It supports 36 output audio formats, including those exclusive to Mac, like AIFF. You can import your files from your folder, Cloud services (including Dropbox), CD and DVD. Also, you can send your converted audio files from Switch to popular video sites, e-mail addresses or Cloud services.
● A wide range of output audio formats
● Multichannel input paths
● Multiple in-site sharing routes
VideoProc Converter – A Powerful Audio Converter for Mac

VideoProc Converter is one of the best audio file converters for Mac straddling between video and audio conversion. It claims to turn video into audio, or convert audio file to MP3, WAV… via its hardware acceleration feature. Its intuitive user interface and fast conversion rate add to your best user experience. Unlike the majority of converters, which only accept files from other devices or websites, VideoProc Converter is capable of digitizing DVDs to MP3 and other audio formats.
● User-friendly labeling
● Fabulous file Conversion speed
● Simple audio effects options
3 Best Free & Online Audio Converters for Mac
Free audio converter online tools run on the Cloud. Sometimes you don’t think it’s a necessity to download any application. Some sites dedicated to solving your conversion on your browser come to your rescue. To convert audio files using online audio conversion tools is an ideal alternative for Mac users. On websites, you don’t need to worry the compatibility problems with devices.
This article picks the best three online audio converters for Mac.
AmoyShare Online Audio Converter – The Best Free & Online Audio Converter for Mac

Barrier-free for any device, like Mac, iPad, and iPhone, AmoyShare Online Audio Converter is an outstanding online audio converter, which can either extract audio streams from video files, or convert audio files to other audio formats easily. It supports MP3, WAV, M4A, AAC, WMA… enough to meet your common needs. Even though it is operated online, its performance isn’t undermined. You need only three steps to let your files come out as high-quality audio format.
● Online loss-free & fast conversion
● Simple online editing functions
ZAMZAR – A Convenient Online Audio Converter for Mac

ZAMZAR is an almighty converter for Mac, which deals with various formats ranging from audio to image. It brings about convenience, for all operations are done on the same web page without any redirection of page. This tiny scheme may win your heart. ZAMZAR provides 7 output audio formats, slightly fewer than its online peers. But it can ensure you convert video to MP3 online and even make file formats conversion between 50+ formats rapidly.
● 6 input paths (including URL, OneDrive…)
● Easy-to-use online interface
CloudConvert – A Reliable Option of Online Audio Converter for Mac

CloudConvert can be a standard-setter of online conversion services. It has gathered a huge Mac & Windows followers with its long-standing efforts to improve speed and extend format types (ebook, CAD, document…). One highlight of CloudConvert is you can convert audio files and convert video to audio in large size and in batches. The total limit for files is 1GB, within which your conversion services are provided for nothing.
● 1 GB file limit
● Online batch conversion
● Super fast file conversion
● Reliable support team
Unlike videos, which please both your eyes and ears, audio files only contain sound tracks. In this case, your ears concentrate more attention on the audio quality. Among 8 best selected audio converters for Mac, BeeConverter is the supreme MP3 converter to retain the sound quality and let you embark on a fast journey of music appreciation. If you prefer a free & online solution for Mac, AmoyShare Online Audio Converter can convert audio file to MP3, convert video to audio online, and so on. No matter which converter you finally make up your mind on, you won’t be disappointed. Download the recommended Mac audio converters, and enter the fast track towards MP3 conversion!
Video Converter
Convert videos to MP4, MOV, MP3, GIF, and more
- for Windows 10/8/7
- for Mac OS X 14+
- for Android
Frequently Asked Questions
Which is the best audio converter for Mac?
Scores of choices are open to you. If you are torn between the fastest audio converter and the best quality audio converter, BeeConverter is your must-have. You can have both the speed and the quality for your file converter on this best audio file converter for Mac.
Can I convert video to audio on Mac?
Yes. In fact, a video usually consists of video & audio streams. To convert video to audio file is to extract the audio stream from the video. It’s not so tough if you assign this task to professional applications like BeeConverter. It ensures a speedy conversion and won’t be a test for your patience. If you prefer an online solution, AmoyShare Online Audio Converter works equally well on any browser of Mac. These two best audio converters for Mac won’t make you frustrated.
How to convert mp4 to mp3 audio?
You can download a file conversion expert like BeeConverter, a remarkably fast & loss-free file converter software. MP4 belongs to video formats, while MP3 is an audio format. The video-to-audio conversion is a piece of cake for BeeConverter. You can turn to websites for help. AmoyShare Online Audio Converter is one of the best online tools to convert MP4 to audio.
What is the fastest way to convert audio file to MP3?
BeeConverter is an intuitive program for users of any level. You need only to import the file, select the output format and immediately start converting files. The whole process of operation just takes seconds. AmoyShare Online Audio Converter only needs the mere three steps to convert audio files in any format to MP3 online. Both are the fastest audio converters for Mac and offer you a fast track to audio file conversion.